Spot Treatment – Acne Fast Solution

Whenever a pimple occurs, we’re attempting to quickly dry it out with a strong drying spot treatment, but often it doesn’t work. Here are several reasons why your typical acne spot treatments aren’t working, along with my advice on how to spot treatment make a powerful solution for your acne.

You need to understand the blemish life cycle and its natural healing. Then you can choose the right treatment in the right time.

Inflamed blemishes have an infection within the pore which is why they are painful and red. The natural process for skin infections is to come up and out through the skin’s surface. This is your skin’s natural way of healing itself. Acne has a life cycle (comedone>papule>pustule) and you need to treat it with right spot treatment in specific acne stage. 

A drying spot treatment is going to slow down the natural healing process of a blemish occurs when a spot treatment is applied on the inflamed red pimple. 
It’s so important to understand that the infection WANTS to come out. If you dry out an inflamed red pimple with a drying spot treatment, you’re creating a membrane of dead, flaky cells, which stops the infection from coming out. This now traps the infection under the skin longer although pimple gets smaller and seems less red. I call it “frozen infection”. It will stay there as long as you apply drying spot treatment and after a while, it can flare up in a big severe red pimple. The longer the infection stays present in the skin, you are increasing the risk of getting a long post-redness after healing blemish or permanent scar.

How scars are formed?
If you have infected spot for a longer time, it spreads deeper in the pore and infection destroys surrounding tissue. The damaged tissue is collateral damage in the fight between the immune system and bacteria. Ironically, the immune system (neutrophils) destroy surrounding tissue by releasing chemicals to kill invaders (P acne bacteria). Also, the bacteria begin to grow and release harmful substances (toxins) that kill the tissue. All those infection processes made permanent damage in skin tissue what will be visible soon as an apotrofic scar. Also, if you try to pop up or squeeze hard that infected pimple you have good chances to make a permanent scar.

Basic solution

Papules – Inflamed red pimples – 1. Topical cream daily 2. Non-drying acne spot treatments overnight – Acne Salve
Pustules – Pimples with white/yellowish head on the top – Drying Spot Treatments 1. Salico Morning 2. Drying Mineral spot treatments (Sulfur +Mg)

These solutions have different strengths depending on your skin condition. Take the free quiz here to see our recommendation.

When a blemish first appears, here is how to make it go away fast.

Step 1: Apply a non-drying, soothing, anti-inflammatory spot treatment – Acne Drawing Salve. Acne Salve is going to purge inflamed spots. It means it will help the natural healing process, kill bacteria, open pimple naturally and bring oxygen in the pore. Soon you will see a yellow top on the pimple and less redness. Or very often, if you applied salve overnight, in the morning you can see pimple is opened, drained and wound healed itself. 

Step 2: Once the blemish gets white/yellowish head, you can then apply a powerful drying spot treatment to dry out any remaining infection in the pore.

Manual Extraction Pimple –  (If and only when a whitehead comes to the very surface of the skin). 

If you can not stand to look your pimple anymore, this is the time when is possible successful manual extraction. If you are a picker, take our extraction tools with instructions on how to do extraction properly. 

Step 1: Day: Apply calming, soothing anti-inflammatory topic cream – Healing Cream
Overnight: Apply powerfull non-drying spot treatment – Acne Drawing Salve. Acne Salve is going to purge inflamed spots. It means it will help the natural healing process.

Step : Do acne extraction. You should visit an esthethician to do that. If you decide to do extraction yourself take our pro extraction tools with disinfectants, needles and extractor. These tools are almost the same what we use in our office. You can use it for a long time.

Step 3: Once the whitehead is removed, you can then apply a powerful drying spot treatment to dry out any remaining infection in the pore.

Okay…I’ve made your life super easy by creating this best-selling Zit Care Kit. While all the products are sold individually, it has the four best spot treatments and tools to make a blemish go away fast. If you follow the step-by-step instructions included in the kit, I can assure you that your blemishes will go away so much faster than ever before—with much less scarring.

When is the right time to apply an acne spot treatment in your routine?

 Assuming you’re using the right acne spot treatment at the right time in the blemish’s life cycle, it should go on last. This means at the end of your skincare routine.

  1. Perform your normal nighttime skincare routine. (This might include cleansing, masking, toning, applying a serum and followed with moisturizer and eye cream. Be sure to use products exclusively for your acne and skin type. Take the Skin Type Quiz.)
  2. Dampen a cotton swab or tissue with water and wipe the blemished area to remove the skincare products that were just applied.
  3. Apply the acne spot treatment and let it dry. Done!

The goal is to get the spot treatment to work directly on the blemish and not have any other product interfere with the performance.

Should an acne spot treatment be used during the day?

It depends.

Use an acne spot treatment during the day IF:

  • the product goes on clear and won’t be visible
  • the product is recommended for daytime use

How to apply in the morning:

  1. Perform your regular morning skincare routine. (Cleanse, tone, apply a vitamin C serum and follow it with a 2-in-1 moisturizer/sunscreen formulated for breakout-prone skin. Daily Protection SPF 30 is an excellent one to use since it doesn’t clog the pores or cause problems.)
  2. Take a damp cotton swab or tissue and wipe the blemish or broken out area to remove the skincare products that were just applied.
  3. Apply the acne spot treatment and let it dry.
  4. Lightly pat a tiny amount of sunscreen back over the affected area.
  5. Proceed with concealer over the blemish, if you choose to wear it.

First and foremost, the goal is to ensure sunscreen is properly covering the blemish. It might come as a surprise, but sunscreen is a key component to getting a post-breakout red or dark scar to go away faster. When your skin is exposed to UV daylight (in spring, summer, fall, and winter), this keeps pigment cells awake and prevents a blemish scar from fading as quickly.

The second goal is to use the appropriate type of spot treatment that is formulated for daytime use to encourage a quicker recovery.

Recommended daytime acne spot treatments:Daytime Blemish Gel provides a smoothing barrier to calm the inflammation while preventing makeup and environmental irritants from aggravating the breakout. If your blemish is a cystic one, you can dab on Anti Cyst Treatment underneath Daytime Blemish Gel but be sure to let each step dry thoroughly. (Or Anti Cyst Treatment can be used alone, too.)

How to treat a bump without the presence of infection?

Sometimes people get bumps that appear as the rough texture on the surface of the skin. If no pain or redness is present, this means there is no infection and your usual acne spot treatments won’t work. The best course of action is applying exfoliants to purge that area and pull out closed pores.

Learn how to treat cysts, pustules, whiteheads, milia, papules, blackheads and closed comedones.

You need to accept that sometimes an acne spot treatment just won’t work.

My #1 best-selling product is Anti Cyst Treatment. I have been selling this product for 28 years now which means I have sold thousands of them. Our customers swear by its effectiveness. Does it work for 100% of the people? No. It just means that the type of inflammation that this product is targeting is not in sync with the type of bacteria you have. When it comes to any type of products, It’s never a one-size-fits-all—and this certainly includes acne spot treatments.

In summary, you can’t always control a blemish from appearing but you do have control when it shows up. I encourage you to be patient and let the healing process run its course without too much interference. Your skin will be clearer and less scarred because of it. Always work with Mother Nature, never go against her.

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