Zink is extremely important for the human body as it has many beneficial properties. It is suitable for both ingestion and external use, so zinc is actively included in the compositions of various medical and cosmetic products due to its universality.
Useful properties
In the treatment of acne, zinc has been used for a reason. The microelement has gained popularity in cosmetology due to the following abilities:
- Eliminates foci of inflammation. It will be possible to quickly soothe the inflammatory process and prevent swelling of red acne.
- It transports vitamin A. Retinol reduces the activity of the external secretory glands, and zinc then transports the vitamin from the bloodstream to skin receptors.
- It destroys pathogens. When zinc penetrates the pores of the skin, it destroys the bacteria that cause acne.
- Prevents oxidation of sebum. Sebum is one of the causes of acne, and when it oxidizes, it only increases the production of inflammatory mediators. Zinc falling on the skin shows antioxidant activity.
Zinc perfectly moisturizes the skin, regenerates, and not only accelerates the removal of acne but also prevents their recurrence, which greatly improves the condition of the dermis.
With regular and proper use of zinc, the following positive effects can be achieved:
Zinc preparation
Zinc ointment quickly penetrates into the pores, where they have a pronounced antiseptic, drying and antipruritic effect. In addition, the therapeutic agent moisturizes the skin and reduces the risk of acne scars.
When external treatment of problematic areas of the dermis does not give the desired result, oral medications should be included in the complex treatment to help solve skin problems from the inside. The oral medicine has the following effects:
Using zinc inside helps relieve inflammation, resulting in healthy skin.
- increases local immunity;
- promotes regeneration processes;
- inhibits the activity of sebaceous glands;
- relieves inflammation;
- accelerates the process of rejection of dead cells.
After taking Zincteral, the condition of the skin improves significantly, it has a healthy appearance and relieves pimples, according to the manufacturer of the medicine.
How to apply?
Drink acne tablets “Zincteral” should be 1-2 tablets. per day depending on the age of the patient and skin lesions in acne. It is extremely important that you completely give up alcohol during treatment with this medicine. Along with oral administration, it is recommended that rashes with zinc ointment be treated with external application up to 6 times a day, and applied in a thin layer to the already cleansed face. After treating the dermis with a zinc-based ointment, powder and foundation cannot be used.
What increases the effect?
In order to get rid of acne as soon as possible caused by a lack of trace elements Zn in the body, it is recommended to supplement the therapeutic scheme with zinc supplements and one of them is zinc oxide.
Note: Discard foods that are dominated by copper, as this chemical element blocks zinc activity.
Against use
Together with the high effectiveness of zinc-containing products, they can have a detrimental effect on human health. Especially if you abuse the trace element without following the doctors ’recommendations. Thus, long-term treatment will cause copper deficiency in the body or worsen the thyroid gland and cause burning pain in the esophagus, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, abnormal stools and headaches.
How is zinc good for the skin and how does it eliminate acne inflammation?
In recent years, zinc supplements for acne have been frequently advertised. In this article we will try to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of such treatment, and most importantly, how good is zinc for the skin?
Zinc is a great mineral for treating acne, especially if there is not enough in the body. It mainly affects the immune system and reduces the occurrence of chronic inflammation.
What results can we expect from zinc treatment? If the appearance of acne is due to immunity, you will see the real benefits of zinc.
However, almost every acne patient suffers from chronic inflammation to some degree, so when treating acne with zinc, everyone will notice at least the slightest improvement in their skin.
Researchers have seen an average 50% reduction in acne with zinc, and some have improved skin above 65%.
Zinc deficiency causes acne-prone skin
Zinc deficiency in the body is a very common occurrence. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include poor wound healing, acne, depression, and hair loss.
Many people have never asked questions like: what is zinc?
The mineral is so effective that it has become a known acne treatment at all ages.
Is Zinc Effective Against Acne?
You are probably wondering if there is a science about the effectiveness of zinc from acne? Several studies have already been done showing really positive results.
1) In a Turkish study, scientists collected 87 people, 47 of whom had acne and the rest had clean skin. They were divided into separate groups according to skin condition.
The researchers found that in the group of patients with acne, 54.1% of people had zinc deficiency, while people with clean skin had only 10%. They also observed that the zinc in the blood of acne patients is, on average, much lower than average.
2) In another study, there were 54 patients taking either zinc supplements or placebo. After treatment for 6 weeks, the amount of acne in patients taking zinc decreased by 33%.
3) In this large study, 332 people with acne were collected. They were given 30 mg of zinc gluconate, which is twice the recommended daily intake.
After three months, the total number of acne in all patients decreased by 49.8%! At the same time, 31.2% of participants were found to reduce acne by two-thirds or more.
Zinc gluconate is not the most effective form of zinc supplementation. There are other forms: zinc oxide, acetate, sulfate, glycinate and so on. Zinc picolinate is considered to be the most effective. Picolinic acid contributes to the rapid absorption of zinc in the intestine.
How does zinc stop acne?
The reasons why zinc treats acne so effectively have not been known for a long time.
People knew that vitamin A reduced sebum production, but they did not know what zinc was suitable for the skin. Many believed that this was necessary for the formation of cells in the skin, hair and nails.
New evidence suggests that the benefits of zinc are much deeper because this mineral affects the immune system, namely:
Controls inflammation.
If chronic inflammation is present in the body, with pro-inflammatory cytokines being produced on a large scale, then consuming more zinc can quickly alleviate this problem.
Zinc is closely linked to the immune system and controls some of its functions. This means that the inflammatory reaction to acne bacteria will not be as great, and red acne will not swell greatly.
Zinc actively reduces the inflammatory response to bacteria. When bacteria attack blocked pores, they can cause severe irritation in the area, then the acne becomes red and very painful.
Acne-prone skin is much more responsive to bacteria than normal, healthy skin. Zinc helps alleviate the inflammatory response and reduces the effect of bacteria on the skin.
Transport of vitamin A.
Vitamin A – directly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and zinc is essential for the efficient transport and use of this vitamin.
Zinc is a key component of the protein that binds retinol, which carries vitamin A from the bloodstream to receptors on the skin, where it continues to perform its functions.
Fast wound healing.
This is another effect of zinc on the whole body and on the skin. It helps the skin to heal faster, thus reducing the total number of acne.
Antioxidant action.
Antioxidants benefit the skin by preventing the oxidation of sebum (another cause of acne).
In addition to the presence of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, our body can produce something of its own: superoxide dismutase and glutathione. As is well known, acne patients have a deficiency of these enzymes.
Zinc is a key component of glutathione. By increasing its level in the body, we increase the overall antioxidant activity.
It kills bacteria.
Tests in test tubes show that zinc kills acne-causing bacteria. Sure, it’s not as effective as antibiotics, but it still works. Bacteria cannot cause resistance to zinc, so it is also effective for people with antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the skin.
It reduces the activation of keratinocytes.
Keratinocytes are keratin-producing cells that in large quantities affect cell separation and lead to the formation of clogged pores, which also causes acne. By reducing keratin production, zinc helps them stay open.
Blocks DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Zinc from acne is also useful in case of blocking DHT, which means that it reduces the effect of hormones on the skin. Other DHT inhibitors are known to reduce the amount of sebum that causes clogged pores on the skin. Unfortunately, zinc doesn’t block DHT too much, but it’s all a big plus.
What else is good for zinc skin?
Zinc deficiency is very common in patients with acne.
It not only helps with severe inflammation of the skin, but also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, strengthens hair and nails.
One of the important risk factors for zinc deficiency is a grain-based malnutrition. You probably think that bread, pasta and similar foods contain large amounts of zinc. It may be so, but with them, these products contain phytic acid, which does not allow the body to properly absorb zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
These cereal products should not be tasted often. They are certainly beneficial, but a regular diet of cereals will not benefit the body. Even if you consume enough zinc, your body will not be able to absorb it into the bloodstream.
If you don’t have a zinc deficiency, you should still consider getting one; This will bring you additional benefits due to acne such as accelerated wound healing.
How to increase zinc levels?
Which foods are rich in zinc?
The best source of zinc in the world is oysters, which contain huge doses of about 90 mg per 100 grams.
This is about 600% of the recommended daily intake, so you can eat oysters at least once a week. Oysters are also full of other beneficial nutrients such as magnesium and selenium.
Other good sources of zinc are unprocessed meats such as beef, pork and chicken. Some nuts contain large amounts of zinc, but its bioavailability is low.
What is recommended daily dose of Zink ?
If you can’t find the diet combination you want to taste, then take vitamin supplements with zinc at a dose of 15 – 30 mg per day.
15 mg is the safe daily amount. For people with acne-prone skin, zinc can be taken up to 60 mg per day.
It is best to take a standard dose of 30 mg of zinc every day and combine it with a good diet. This will speed up the healing of inflammation on the face. In addition, zinc increases the effectiveness of vitamin A (great news for those treating acne with retinoids).
Keep in mind that zinc is definitely beneficial for the skin, but it is not a solution to treat acne
Warning: The most common side effect of taking high doses of zinc is copper deficiency.
Note: Cereals are an almost useless source of zinc, despite the fact that they contain quite a bit.
Types of zinc additives
There are a large number of different zinc supplements available for acne. Zinc comes in a variety of forms, and some are much more bioavailable than others.
It is very important that you choose the right option as you can spend your money on a supplement that does not help you.
Zinc oxide is the most common type of zinc supplement. It is used in most foods. It has very poor bioavailability, so it’s best not to spend money on it.
Zinc gluconate is not the best supplement for zinc, it is not the most bioavailable, but it partially works. Zinc gluconate, which can be used to treat skin, was used in the study described above.
Zinc sulfate is well absorbed according to some studies. Not the best form of zinc, but not the worst.
Zinc glycinate is another good form that absorbs zinc sulfate better. Compared to zinc sulphate, glycinate is 16% more efficiently absorbed.
Zinc Orotate is generally considered to be one of the best zinc supplements, but this has not yet been proven. This form competes with zinc picolinate.
Zinc picolinate – recognized as the king among all zinc supplements. Today, picolinate is the most bioavailable form. In this study, we compared picolinate with citrate and zinc gluconate, and then found that picolinate is best absorbed by the body.
Zinc citrate is absorbed quite well, but is inferior to picolinate.
Zinc-1-methionine is another very bioavailable form of zinc, helps well with acne and is therefore considered effective.
If you see ‘zinc chelate’ on the label, then know that it is not a specific type of zinc, but a specific grade. Chelated zinc is a form that binds to an organic molecule to increase absorption in the body.
Zinc citrate, zinc picolinate and zinc-1-methionine are all chelated additives. A more precise format should be given somewhere below the label.
Can pregnant women use zinc for acne?
Probably yes. The French have two studies on the safety and success of using zinc in treating acne. It has been proven to be safe and effective for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Remember to talk to your pediatrician about your treatment to make sure it is safe for you and your baby.
Dangers of using additives
Zinc can interact with some medications, including some acne medications such as tetracycline antibiotics.
Taking large doses increases the risk of developing prostate cancer, reduces the immune response and the level of “good” cholesterol.
Zinc is well tolerated, but if you exceed the dose, side effects such as indigestion, nausea and vomiting may occur.
It is better not to take risks and not to exceed the recommended daily intake of about 30 mg per day. You can consume a little more, but don’t exceed 60 mg because you risk your health.
Zinc, like all other minerals and vitamins, is only useful if the right dose is observed. Overdosing will not lead to anything good.
Acne Zinc
Almost 100% of all people on the planet face such a problem as acne at least once in their life. Most people experience them as early as adolescence, but there are times when acne affects the skin even after the age of thirty. Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that leads to clogging of the pores. The hair follicle may also be involved in this process. In this case, we are talking about a completely different form of acne. There are many modern medicines and tools to combat this problem. Zinc acne paste is one of the best deals in terms of value for money.
How are zinc-based medicines different from other medicines?
Many topical medications are really very effective in fighting acne. Most, however, contain aggressive chemicals that can negatively affect the skin and even the body. Especially antibiotics. Together with hormones, they penetrate the body and are very likely to cause serious side effects. In this case, solving the problem can be much more difficult.
It should be recognized that acne can affect the skin in a variety of ways and it is likely that such substances will actually help in coping with the pathology. Of course, you need to understand that they are very effective. However, there are also situations in which it is possible to master standard forgotten sentences. Zinc acne medications are one option.
Yes, they are much inferior to the new fashion products advertised on television in popularity, but they are many times cheaper and not always less effective. Of course, it all depends on the specific pathology.
Positive properties of zinc
This is a very underestimated element that plays a very important role in the human body. Thanks to this metal biological catalysts work with adequate power. Zinc directly affects enzymes, causing their activity. This action has a positive effect on many processes in the body, which, incidentally, take place at high speed.
Most of these processes affect only the skin and all its layers. Therefore, a lack of the right amount of zinc can cause many skin problems, even serious pathologies. Without it, the processes responsible for the normal state of the dermis are impossible.
Zinc anti-acne paste compensates for the absence of this element. This happens with the help of agents for external use, as more than 20% of all zinc in the human body falls on the skin. So when it is under the epidermis, the substance is immediately fixed and begins to act already inside the body. The whole process takes place very quickly, so the result of the drug is visible almost immediately.
Important effects of zinc agents:
- Drying effect. This is very important in the fight against acne as the treatment starts with reducing the fat levels. With the help of the ointment, the skin literally dries immediately to the desired level.
- Skin disinfection. Malicious microorganisms can get under the skin and cause the development of serious (sometimes even life-threatening) pathologies. Zinc paste helps destroy these bacteria before they penetrate under the top layer of skin.
- Anti-inflammatory effect. To get rid of acne, you need to remove the inflammation so that the tool actively penetrates the right areas of the skin. Zinc soothes the skin and thus removes swelling and redness.
- Increased elasticity. The skin becomes stronger. The pasta tightens the lid, so it is also included in the list of popular anti-wrinkle products.
- Regeneration. Zinc accelerates the process of regeneration of dead epidermal cells, which cleanses clogged sebaceous ducts.
The most effective drug with zinc in the composition
Desitin against acne is a universal ointment that contains 40% zinc oxide. The tool is popular in the fight against various types of skin diseases. At the same time, there are virtually no contraindications and strong side effects. Sometimes the ointment is also used to relieve skin irritation in babies. This again speaks to its complete safety and reliability.
The drug does not penetrate deep into the body, does not enter the blood vessels. Consistency contributes to zinc being delayed in the upper layers of the skin – where it needs to be.
Another unconditional advantage of zinc paste is that it helps eliminate various types of acne as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to know how to use the drug. Watch a popular option in the detailed video below:
Knowing the properties of zinc and the medications it contains, you can get rid of acne by spending the least amount of money on medications.
Acne and pimples are changes in the skin associated with inflammation and disorders of the sebaceous glands. Such changes are characteristic of some skin diseases – especially acne. Acne mainly affects people in adolescence. The appearance of acne is related to hormones. Hormones affect the sebaceous glands and the production of sebum. Wash your face twice a day. Instead of regular soap, it is better to use special as well as cleansing foams or gels, usually the names contain the words cleansing, cleansing, cleanser or directly indicate use on oily / problematic skin. Just wash your hands, light movements, with warm water, apply a towel, do not rub the skin. Allow the skin to dry for 3 minutes, then use an acne remedy. For example, scrubs that help peel off the top layer of skin and open pores can be used 1-2 times a week if there is no inflammation, also cleansing lotions, 2 times a day.
The most traditional formulations for treating acne can usually be bought at the pharmacy in their final form and without a prescription.
1. Salicylic acid exfoliates, softens the upper layer of the skin and prevents the formation of comedones. Salicylic acid preparations can be used 1-2 times a day. The most common alcohol. sol. salicylic acid: 1% and 2% Salicylic acid, which is part of the final products, e.g.
NOT RECOMMENDED. Salicylic acid preparations in combination with alcoholic lotions, peels based on other acids, scrubs, all this leads to drying and irritation of the skin.
2. Sulfur is used in various formulations, the most famous being “Vidal milk” – rabbit, which contains 5% of deposited sulfur (sulfur praecipitatum), and acne remedies can also contain purified sulfur, e.g. Other sulfur preparations are also used in the treatment of various skin diseases. Sulfur-based talkers and lotions for seborrhea and acne are applied 1-3 times a day, and the finished products are usually 1-2 times a day.
3. Benzoyl peroxide, also known as Baziron, Clerasil-ultra, Oxy-5 and 10 ″ has been used in the treatment of acne for many years. The action of benzoyl peroxide is complex: it inhibits the growth of bacteria, oxidizes and peels, prevents the formation of inflammation. The polymer complex in the preparation “Baziron” also absorbs sebum. Medicines applied to the skin 1-2 times a day. A good effect can be expected 2 weeks after starting the drug and a lasting improvement after one month of treatment.
Benzoyl peroxide preparations are in different concentrations: 2.5%, 5% and 10%, do not immediately choose the highest concentration – this will not cause the acne to disappear soon, but skin irritation may occur.
**** Evisent brewer’s yeast sold in a pharmacy with a high sulfur content – a natural vitamin-mineral complex – the largest amount of vitamins of group B-B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, Bn, E, micro- and macronutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Increased sulfur content contributes to the improvement and enhancement of the skin, supports the natural metabolism.
* Masks for oily skin. You can use masks for oily skin two or three times a week. They help clean enlarged pores, relieve inflammation and improve complexion.
* Mask yogurt or kefir. This mask is one of the most effective means of caring for oily skin. Apply a cotton pad on the skin kefir or yogurt, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
* Mask of egg white and lemon juice. Beat the egg whites into the foam. Add half an hour l lemon juice. Apply to skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water. The mask gives the skin a fresh look.
* Mask for oily skin. Align the cucumbers on a small pond. Mix in a ratio of 6: 1 with boric acid. Apply on face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask has a cleansing and whitening effect.
The role of zinc in skin diseases
Zinc is a micronutrient essential for humans, which strengthens the immune system, affects the development of bone tissue and promotes growth. It is abundant in blood cells, kidneys, retina. Zinc directly affects protein synthesis in the body, normalizes hormones. Often, hormonal failure is the cause of skin rashes that can appear on the face, body.
It should be noted that this useful element regulates fat metabolism, affects the level of available blood sugar. It affects the direct formation of lymphocytes, the development of protective antibodies.
The body is deficient in zinc for several reasons. The main one is a violation of the digestive tract due to malnutrition. As a result, the process of absorption of beneficial trace elements in the intestine is qualitatively reduced. Stress, the use of bad cosmetics and bad habits are also among the factors that affect the appearance of acne, acne on the face.
A person who has problematic skin should switch to protein foods. As a rule, this substance is quite contained in cooked poultry, white fish and dairy products. In parallel, it is worth using an ointment with zinc from acne. Before applying zinc ointment, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin with a special lotion or tonic.
Here are the main manifestations of Zn deficiency in the body:
- Decreased immunity;
- Skin damage manifested in the loss of acne;
- Fragility (loss) of hair;
- The nails become brittle, they start to fall apart.
With these manifestations, the best option is to turn to the appropriate specialists who will diagnose zinc deficiency in the body. If this is confirmed by the test results, the patient should switch to a healthy diet. The fight against skin rashes can be solved with a special ointment based on zinc.
Due to the bactericidal action of zinc ointment, it seems possible to suppress the infectious process that caused acne on the skin. The ointment helps to increase the therapeutic effect, thus reducing the duration of skin treatment.
Given this, it is important to strengthen the immune system, ie. in parallel with healthy foods rich in protein, they consume vitamins and minerals. Before that, it is better to consult a doctor. Experts do not recommend that the ointment be combined with other anti-acne medications during zinc treatment.
Benefits of Zinc Acne Treatment
Zinc affects the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. First is the metabolism of carbohydrates. Violation of this exchange leads to acne, purulent skin lesions. Experts advise to limit the intake of carbohydrates in the daily diet, which is mostly contained in flour products, carbonated drinks and fruit juices, sweets.
Zinc ointment will contribute to the maintenance of vitamin A in the blood, provides the necessary therapeutic effect in the presence of inflammation on the skin, acne. All zinc-based medications can destroy harmful bacteria that contribute to acne.
Zinc acne can face the following problems:
- Improves skin elasticity;
- Normalize sebaceous glands;
- Remove inflammation of the skin, redness.
Ointment-based zinc is very suitable for fighting acne. So, after the prescribed course of treatment, we notice an improvement in the skin. An effective method of treating acne is personal hygiene, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Desserts and smoked meats should be excluded from your daily diet.
The zinc oxide used in the composition of special anti-acne ointments has an anti-inflammatory effect. After treatment with zinc ointment, a general restoration of sebaceous gland function is observed. It is worth mentioning the regenerative properties of zinc ointment. The trace element Zn is not included in the composition of many baby creams.
The ointment helps to quickly inhibit the inflammation that has appeared on the skin. Thus, rapid resorption of pustular subcutaneous formations will occur. Oily skin will dry out the zinc-based product, making the face smooth, pores will be reduced.
In addition to zinc ointment, zinc paste is also appearing on the pharmaceutical market. It is the same antiseptic, has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, it is used in the presence of dermatitis, acne, acne, prickly heat. The paste is applied in a thin layer on problem areas of the skin. In terms of periodicity, this indicator is directly dependent on the degree of damage.
So, with a lack of zinc in the body, it activates the sebaceous glands, leading to acne. The element zinc is contained in all tissues of the human body, with a lack of people, there is a worsening of gastrointestinal, skin diseases. This results in acne, pustular formations on the body. Even with a lack of Zn, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises.
Zinc is an effective trace element for acne and other skin conditions.
I knew about the benefits of zinc a long time ago, but about three years ago I came across a cognitive article in which it was written that this trace element plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails and helps with acne. Okay, I thought zinc would be a good acne treatment?
Zinc content in the body:
Zinc is a very important trace element. Without it, virtually no cells will function.
A large amount of zinc is found in the skin, liver, prostate.
Many enzymes involved in important body functions are made up of zinc.
- Zinc is found in most enzymes and is involved in many chemical processes in the body.
- It helps transfer genetic material from one cell to another
- Healthy immunity is maintained, it is necessary to fight infections, including acne caused by inflammation
- It plays an important role in protein synthesis (formation)
- Wounds get sick faster with normal zinc content in the body.
- It is a good detoxifier, ie it removes harmful substances from the body (eg alcohol)
- Participates in the development and normal functioning of the reproductive system, is beneficial for men – increases testosterone
- A good helper for atherosclerosis, normalizes memory
- Retains taste and smell.
Another important point for people suffering from acne is that without zinc there is no absorption of vitamin “A” which cannot be excreted from the liver without its involvement.
Remember that when treating acne with vitamin “A” (roaccutane, tretinoin), be sure to use zinc, at least a daily rate (15 mg for adults).
Since I was working out at the gym and talking to professional “jockeys,” I found that they also take zinc supplements as an additional means of increasing testosterone, which is necessary for muscle growth.
Back to acne, I immediately say that zinc does not always help, sometimes there is an exacerbation of acne because This trace element stimulates the production of hormones, including testosterone, which causes acne. That such a side effect can be caused by zinc in the fight against acne.
My experiences with zinc are:
I initially bought Zincteral at the pharmacy. He did not leave immediately, side effects appeared: heartburn, nausea, so he quickly finished.
Then I decided to try other imported zinc products that I ordered through the online store. I don’t remember the name, but there were several types of zinc in their composition. The price was slightly more expensive than Zincteral, but there were no side effects, and after a few days, the positive effect of the drug in the form of increased energy and strength began to be felt. The drug has almost no effect on acne.
Zinc and other skin diseases:
Thanks to my experience with zinc, I recommended it to a friend who had neurodermatitis. After one month of taking almost all manifestations of neurodermatitis, it disappeared, and the result was for several years.
Uses of zinc video by E. Malyshev:
- Products containing zinc
- The role of zinc in the human body, skin protection
Zinc in the human body:
- What is a dangerous zinc deficiency?
- Which foods contain zinc
- How much food do you need to eat per day
The problem with acne, or scientifically acne, is almost unknown to anyone, but this problem is especially acute for young people and adolescents. The causes that trigger the formation of acne are numerous. Sometimes we spend a lot of time, effort and money to fight them, and sometimes we forget that there are simple, affordable and proven means. Zinc ointment can rightly be considered one of such means, due to its properties it dries and fights inflammatory processes, accelerates the recovery of the skin and improves its condition after the removal of acne.
The effectiveness of zinc ointment when applied to the skin.
For starters, zinc as an element is one of the most important ingredients in the composition of care products designed for oily and problematic skin that tends to develop inflammation, acne and acne. It has a drying, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, adsorption, antimicrobial, healing and soothing effect on the skin, so it is regularly added to the composition of baby creams and lotions (for diaper rash, chamomile, dermatitis, etc.).
Video: On the value of zinc for skin beauty and health.
In addition to zinc oxide, zinc ointment also contains petrolate (in a ratio of 1:10, ie one part zinc oxide to 10 parts vaseline). Regular use of zinc ointment in the treatment of acne reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, dries and reduces inflammation, reduces skin irritation, promotes regeneration processes and shortens the recovery time of the skin. In the presence of so-called immature “acne”, the use of zinc ointment has a pulling effect, which accelerates the maturation of the eel and its release into the outside. Find zinc ointment is not difficult, it is on sale in all pharmacies, and is cheap, about twenty-five rubles.
Zinc ointment for acne, application.
Before using zinc ointment, it is important to prepare thoroughly. To begin with, the skin of the hands should be thoroughly disinfected (washed with soap and wiped with vodka or alcohol) so that no infection occurs during the procedure. It is known that any skin treatment should be performed only after cleansing. First, remove makeup and remove impurities from the skin with a cleanser for oily and problematic skin.
Apply zinc ointment should be exclusively on the affected area of acne with a thin layer or on any pimple with small rashes. In the latter case, it is appropriate to use the usual match. You can use it up to six times a day, but I recommend not doing it more than three times a day. In this case, before using the drug, be sure to try it on a small area of skin and make sure there are no allergic reactions (which are not common). Individual intolerance to the drug can cause serious complications.
The drug is practically not absorbed, so after half an hour after application, lightly wipe the affected area with a paper napkin. There are a few nuances to using zinc ointment to treat acne. Such treatment is not suitable for working women, because after applying the ointment on the skin can not be applied makeup (and few people can do without it), the skin must breathe. In addition, as a basis for makeup ointment is not suitable. In this case, you will only need to use the ointment at night and on weekends, and from here you will have to wait a little longer. For unemployed women, this problem does not exist, use the tool every day until complete recovery.
If there are wounds on the skin, minor injuries, especially near the mucosa (eyes, eyelids), acute purulent-inflammatory processes, it is better not to apply ointment to these areas. Women should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, only after consulting a doctor and taking into account the risk-benefit balance.
Acne prevention and determination of results after treatment with zinc ointment.
- To achieve a positive effect of using the ointment, it should be applied every day.
- During and after treatment, it is important to eat properly, to include in the diet several foods that contain zinc (eggs, nuts, liver, beans, beans).
- When using zinc ointment, it is not recommended to use other acne medications, as this can cause unpredictable reactions or reduce the beneficial effect of the ointment to a minimum.
In fairness, I find that not everyone gets the healing effect of using zinc ointment, or they get it, but only partially. Therefore, it is desirable to photograph before applying the ointment and after its completion. If you do not notice any positive dynamics in the first week of treatment, you should refuse to use the ointment and use another agent that your doctor should advise.
Prescription medicines for acne (acne, comedones) and blackheads based on zinc ointment.
Zinc ointment – 20 g.
Salicylic ointment 10% – 25 g.
Target birch – 7 drops.
Sulfur ointment 33% – 25 g.
Tea tree essential oil, bergamot, juniper, rosemary – 2 drops.
Vitamin A in oil – 5 drops.
All the ingredients that combine into a homogeneous creamy mass, use an empty clean container from under the cream. Transfer the final composition to a jar and store in a cool dark place. Apply the product to problem areas and leave overnight.
Salicylic-zinc ointment.
A famous dermatologist from Germany, O. Lassar, patented a salicylic-zinc ointment (known as Lassar’s paste) in the last century. In addition to zinc oxide, salicylic acid, wheat starch and petrolatum are also present in the composition of this ointment. The tool has an active antiseptic and astringent effect, perfectly and quickly relieves inflammation, accelerates regenerative processes. Ideal for treating “fresh” acne.
A little about zinc
Zinc is an important trace element for the human body. It is “in charge” of promoting the action of enzymes – biological catalysts. Due to reactions with enzymes, the body regulates many of the most complex processes that occur every second. There are enzymes in every cell and not one, but many. Without them, life changes would not be possible. About two hundred enzymes are controlled by zinc. Among them are those that regulate the functions of sight, taste, smell and maintain immunity. Zinc, which is in the skin, represents about 20% of the total amount, so this element is considered an excellent ingredient that should be included in cosmetic preparations for the care of problematic skin and the fight against acne.
One extremely well-known medicine has long been known – zinc ointment. It is sold in any pharmacy at very reasonable prices from 15 to 20 rubles, and is very effective against acne. It uses Vaseline for the base (1 part zinc oxide to 10 parts petroleum jelly).
Effects of topical use
- Reduction of glandular fat production;
- Disinfecting action;
- Drying effect;
- Reduction of irritation;
- Removal of inflammation;
- Regenerative effect;
- Increases skin elasticity.
Zinc has healing properties for wounds, so it is often included in baby creams. This proves the breadth of its use and harmlessness. By the way, to find out if you have a zinc deficiency you can find out exactly by the speed of wound healing. If it slows down, it is possible that there is a lack of zinc in the body.
There are various uses for zinc ointment. It is usually applied in a thin layer on the facial skin. The skin needs to be cleansed. The ointment can be used up to 6 times a day. The downside is that zinc ointment is not suitable for foundations under makeup, you can not apply foundation or powder on it. You can leave the ointment on at night.
The famous German dermatologist O. Lassar patented a salicylic-zinc ointment unique in its properties more than a century ago (it is also called lassar paste). In addition to zinc oxide and vaseline, it also contains salicylic acid with starch. Due to this, the tool has excellent antiseptic and astringent action. It is ideal as a first aid for fresh acne: just apply the inflammation to an ointment that will calm down quickly.
If you abuse makeup, the desired effect may not appear. Here everything is very simple – put a new part of the next blush on cleansed skin, return the results. Often, many use the ointment diligently, maintain the allotted time, and then expose themselves to the multi-layered “war color”. Of course, there will be no cure and nothing should be surprised – the skin wants to breathe and be clean, and you do not give it this opportunity. So consider that as well.
Zinc value for skin and body
One of the most important trace elements for the body is zinc, which activates enzyme-biological catalysts that regulate many complex processes. Enzymes affected by zinc regulate the functions of sight, taste, smell, etc. If there is a lack of zinc in the body, we notice the fragility of the nails, the wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, the hair becomes long lasting and splits. It should be noted that with age, the amount of zinc in the body decreases. In this case, experts prescribe special preparations containing this useful substance, but only after the person has passed all the necessary tests.
About 20% of this trace element in the body is the epidermis, so it is included in the composition of many cosmetics. Due to its properties, it regenerates and regenerates skin cells, which makes this active ingredient effective in treating acne. This element is even included in baby lotions and powders. It also has a positive effect in the treatment of dermatitis.
Efficacy in treating rashes
Zinc ointment is most commonly used to treat oily and problematic skin with acne and pimples; The composition contains zinc oxide and petrolate. This tool has an adsorbent, disinfectant, antimicrobial, healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
After applying this ointment on the damaged areas of the skin, drying and reduction of inflammation is observed, the secretion of sebaceous glands is reduced, and the epidermis is restored faster. When the skin is inflamed but still “immature” acne, the use of the ointment contributes to the stretching and “maturing” of the rash.
Zinc ointment also nourishes skin cells with oxygen and narrows pores. The result of its regular use is noticeable after one week.
In addition to fighting acne, the active ingredient effectively deals with problems such as:
- herpes;
- burns (mild);
- diaper rash;
- bedsores;
- eczema;
- dermal dermatitis;
- aligns the epidermis after acne.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of all drugs in many respects depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. So, if the treatment did not bring the appropriate result, it does not mean that it does not work, perhaps the therapy is not effective in a particular case or the complex of therapeutic measures is improperly developed.
How to use acne ointment
Zinc for acne is easy to use: it is enough to apply a spot with a thin layer on the inflamed and urgently cleansed surface of the skin. The course of treatment is usually 7-14 days, and the regularity of use in inflamed areas from 3 to 6 times a day. It is important that the cream is on the skin for at least half an hour. Due to the content of Vaseline ointment, the tool is not completely absorbed, so it should be removed with a cotton pad after 30 minutes.
An important point when using zinc ointment for acne on the face is the refusal to use decorative cosmetics. This is due to the fact that the tool is partially absorbed, while it cannot be used as a base for foundations. If used as an ointment for decorative cosmetics, it will be difficult to access oxygen to the skin, which also slows down the therapeutic effect. Given these factors, the drug is better to use at night.
An important point in the fight against acne is diet, so not only at the time of application of the ointment you need to eat properly, but also in the future to consolidate the positive therapeutic effect.
If you follow these simple rules, the treatment will be more effective.
Not only does zinc ointment help with rashes, but also tablets with zinc content. But such drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and after a medical study, the results of which indicate a lack of this substance in the body. One of these drugs is Zinctera from acne, acne and other manifestations of lack of trace elements. This is very effective. The drug is taken 1-2 tablets a day 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. However, it is important to understand that the course of treatment and the daily dose of the drug can be calculated only by a specialist, as these indicators will differ for each individual case.
Characteristics of use and contraindications
Zinc ointment against acne is used under certain conditions:
- Caution and only after consultation with a specialist apply to pregnant and lactating women.
- Do not apply to the skin near the mucous membranes of the eyes.
- Not recommended for fresh wounds, minor injuries, acute purulent-inflammatory skin lesions
Contraindications to the use of the ointment can be attributed to individual intolerance of the composition of the drug.
Thus, zinc ointment for acne is one of the positive drugs. The advantage of this drug is ease of use, accessibility, the absence of a broad contraindication for use.
In order for the treatment to bring the desired result, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using zinc ointment.