Treatment Posts
Why is exfoliation so important for clearing acne and maintain beautiful skin?
Cleaning pores and dead cells are the next required cleansing step for acne prone skin. Pores can be cleaned ONLY with exfoliants (peels), microdermabrasion (professional procedure) and acne masks.Exfoliation is a key step in an acne routine. As part of the normal process of skin renewal, skin discards their redundant skin cells—called keratinocytes at a …
Why is exfoliation so important for clearing acne and maintain beautiful skin? Read More »
Properly cleansing acne prone skin
I found that most of my clients had incorrect or insufficient ways of cleansing the skin. First, a short explanation of what is in acne pores. Acne starts as a collection of gummed-together dead cells incorporated into a matrix of waxy sebum. It produces a “microcomedo” – acne seed (“precursor lesions” of acne). If you …
How to get rid of red marks after breakouts?
“How to get rid off these redness spots. It doesn’t go away for months”. We heard this many, many times. And fortunately, we have a great natural solution! It also helps with brown spots When the acne has freshly healed, it leaves behind red marks that may become darker and deeper with time. These red spots …
How to get rid of ingrown hairs
How to get rid of ingrown hairs – ways, preventive measures Ingrown hairs are quite common. Almost every girl is standing in front of him, especially after hair removal on the legs or bikini area. How do I get rid of ingrown hair permanently? The causes of ingrown hair.In the pursuit of smooth skin, women often do …
Exfoliants 2
Fight for the perfect skin: acne peels Acne scrub is one of the best ways to correct unsightly scars, stagnant spots, and uneven skin relief that remain after problem acne and remind yourself of yourself regularly in the mirror. You do not have to go to complicated and dangerous procedures, sometimes surface chemical peeling or laser …
How to remove acne scars
How to remove acne scars on the face: 10 ways Acne scars spoil the aesthetic appearance of the face, experts call this phenomenon postacne acne. Depending on the original skin tone, spots and scars can be red, purple, light pink or blue. If scars are already formed, they will turn maroon. In cases where the pimple has been …