Blue Light Therapy

Acne Blue Light Therapy is one of the latest trends in the medical field when it comes to the treatment of acne. There have been several major studies and research projects to study the acne blue light therapy and nearly all of them have reached the conclusion that this new form of treatment is quite effective. 

The basic principle of the acne blue light therapy is simply to kill the bacteria causing the acne. Laboratory tests have discovered that the blue light goes straight to the root of what is triggering acne formation: Propionibacterium acne aka “P.acne.”

There are some very obvious advantages with the acne blue light therapy since the process is completely natural and non-invasive. The acne blue light therapy does not involve the use of any drugs so there is no danger of any undesirable side effects. Doctors claim that acne blue light therapy is totally safe for all ages and can be used daily.

How does Blue Light Therapy Work?

It has been known for many years that sunlight can have a beneficial effect on acne but unfortunately, long-term exposure damages the skin. Some of the visible violet light present in sunlight (in the range 405-420 nm that does not have the potentially damaging UV) targets to kill Propionibacterium acnes or the bacteria associated with acne. Blue light acne treatment therapy exposes the skin to a low level or low-intensity source of blue light which destroys Propionibacterium acne, Propionibacterium acne is the bacterium that causes acne and tends to multiply rapidly. This procedure is painless and can take several treatments to be effective because the bacterium does multiply so rapidly. 

The patient is exposed to a blue light lamp for 15 to 20 minutes, usually bi-weekly for a period of four to six weeks. Often, after blue light treatment, red light is also applied as it is seen to activate ATP in skin cells and improve treatment response. The blue light acne treatment light also does not cause tanning or skin burn.

Studies have also found that using blue light therapy for 3 consecutive days has been shown to reduce bacteria in the pores by up to 99.9% with up to 80% of patients showing an overall improvement over 3 months, although 10% of patients did not find any improvement at all.

Blue light and diode laser therapy, reach deep into the skin without damaging the surface of the skin. They are believed to damage the sebaceous glands causing them to reduce the amount of sebum they produce thus, reducing the chances of clogging pores which in turn reduces acne.

One benefit to the use of acne blue light therapy is that the treatments do not scar the skin and tend to improve skin texture lessening the appearance of existing scars. Some possible side effects would include, temporary dryness and redness in the area of treatment. 

If you are suffering from acne then you may know that there are various causes (hormones, genetics, diet, etc.) but it always forms because of a blockage in follicles, skin organs that produce hairs. The sebaceous glands are attached to these follicles and produce sebum. Excess of sebum will allow the Propionibacterium acne bacteria to propagate and form papules, nodules and other inflammatory lesions.

Indeed, red light is proven to renew skin cells and thus it can reduce scars and redness caused by the inflammation. To get the best results, it is highly recommended that you combine blue light for acne with red light therapy. This way you get the best acne light therapy expernience.

Blue light therapy is completely natural, painless and safe, the beauty of it is that it stimulates your body natural repair process and doesn’t require surgical instruments. Now being widely advertised throughout the world, this is probably the best-known alternative therapy for an acne treatment today. Here are our top picks for the best acne clearing Blue-Light Devices:

The effectiveness of Blue Light Therapy For Acne Reduction

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) classifies laser and light therapies as procedure-oriented treatment and considers it as a legal and safe procedure which is effective in treating acne. 

The effectiveness of a particular treatment may vary with person to person, and the intensity of the problem may require a custom schedule for the blue light treatment. However, the effectiveness has been proven through testing and many people now employ the treatment, with dermatologists all over the world conducting regular treatment sessions with blue light lamps. On average, the light treatment produces 75%-80% results over the course of a three month period. 

There are no noticeable side effects in most cases and where present, these are generally minor reactions. These may include temporary changes in the pigmentation (color) of the skin with some swelling and dryness in the treated area possible as well.

Final Thoughts

 When you combine new acne light therapies like a blue light with topical treatments you can control and get rid of your acne much more quickly than in previous years.

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