Why Can’t You Get Rid Of Adult Acne?
Adult acne is usually very stubborn and it is hard to find a solution. Even if you have occasional breakouts clearing process could be slow and just temporarily. You can’t use anymore “pesticide methods” with killing-all-bacteria chemicals like Benzoyl peroxide every day, too drying spot treatments, antibiotics… Your skin and body are much more delicate now and need to be healed with a balanced skincare regimen.
Here are the most common reasons why can’t you get rid of adult acne and our solutions.
Do you have the right treatment plan for your acne?
Too drying chemicals: This may surprise you, but one of the most common causes of persistent acne in adults can be the products you use to get rid of it. Typical chemical acne treatments usually contain some pretty harsh ingredients that dry out the skin too much. Drying out any skin type with strong ingredients leads to even more breakouts. When natural oils are removed from the skin, the top layer of skin becomes flaky. Over time, the skin begins to produce oil to keep it hydrated, and this flaky layer then traps sebum and oil underneath.
Hard, synthetic ingredients in conventional skincare create an alkaline environment, disrupt the delicate pH balance of healthy skin, and lead to irritation, inflammation, and pimples.
Why you should not use Benzoyl peroxide
We noticed that Benzoyl peroxide (BP) makes a “plastic” hard membrane on the top of blemishes. It prevents products penetration or extraction to reach in the pores and clean remain infections. Outside it can looks fine but inside you still have “frozen” infections. That “frozen” infections inside pores give usually these 3 situations
- After some time bacteria become resistant to BP and it doesn’t help anymore. You are starting to get more breakouts and apply more BP what leads more drying and sealing reamined infections in the pores, especially if you had bigger lessions.
- You stop to use BP and soon got new harder flare up. Now when you don’t have anything to kill bacteria your pores have already bad roots and got new flare up.
- You change BP with new skin care and get sudden flare up. Your new skin care can work on different way like Retinol for example. Retinol force skin to rejuvanate new cells
Bacteria resistance develops faster in adults
Oral antibiotic and benzoyl peroxide usually give you just temporary solutions. But side effects are pretty bad. Taking oral antibiotics for about 15 days your good gut flora needs to recover probably about 1 year or more. Often never. Some studies suggest that there is a possibility that Benzoyl Peroxide is a potential cancer stimulant.
How chemicals on your skin affects your body health?
What you put on your skin it will be absorbed into your body and your bloodstream. So imagine somebody who regularly applies Benzoyl peroxide (bleach) every day for weeks, months, or even years. Adult skin needs hydrating and nutritions for rejuvenating new skin, not just “slash and burn method” with medications, bleaches and other non-stop chemicals on the skin.
Internal causes of your adult acne
You’ve probably heard the same things from thousands of blogers your skin is unique and needs customized treatments and so on. Partially true. Thing is that your internal body system is unique and that is what produces your acne, and keep them now longer than before.
Do You Prevent The Causes Of Your Acne?
Destroying acne with antibiotics and strong topical medications doesn’t help at all with stopping the causes of your acne. When you’re dealing with a multifactorial problem like acne, it’s always hard to get to the bottom of it. Nature doesn’t give up her secrets that easily.
Diet and Supplements
Hormones are ruthless, and all the topical treatments in the world won’t make a difference if yours are seriously out of whack. In that case, you need to fix things internally first. Your diet now play important role in your hormonal imbalance through diet.
The most common skin irritants like sugar, most dairy products, processed foods, and fried foods need to be removed from your diet. At least try a period of time to see if your skin clears up. Keeping a food journal is a great way to keep track of when blemishes are showing up and the skin is at its worst.
PH Balance of your body
It’s a little-known fact that unbalanced pH levels can trigger acne and cause existing breakouts to last longer. When this balance is disrupted, body acidity increases, immunity is reduced, and acne bacteria flourish.
The P.Acne bacteria feeds off of any acidity in the body. When your body is consistently acidic, it basically generates food for all types of bacteria to thrive. The p.Acnes bacteria are no exception, as they also feed off of acidity. When the body is overly acidic, a small breakout can become large and inflamed and can take several weeks to heal.
Basic steps to improve your body PH balance and rejuvenate skin
- Start every morning with a glass of lemon water to aid digestion, stimulate elimination, and detoxify the system,
- Eat at least five fresh fruits and vegetables each day,
- Avoid GMO foods
- Have plenty of water and drink tea.
The Hormone Compound
Women tend to have more breakouts due to the ongoing battle with hormones related to the monthly cycle, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause.
Stress relief is another important factor in keeping the system running and keeping hormones in check. Beauty sleep and regular exercise are good first steps. Meditation, breathwork and yoga can help.
Good living habits, like eating healthy, regular exercise and getting regular sleep, can reduce the likelihood of hormone-induced excessive oil production.
Caution Non-Comedogenic
When trying to cure their acne, most people turn to products marked as non-comedogenic. Simply put, the term means that the product does not contain any ingredients that are believed to clog your pores. But it’s not quite as easy as it seems.
There is a comedogenic rating system for ingredients commonly used by cosmetic manufacturers, from 0 (won’t clog pores) to 5 (very likely to clog pores). However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no requirements for labeling a product as “non-comedogenic” and there is no independent US agency that reviews non-comedogenic claims in skin care and makeup.
Do not take comedogenic at face value. Experiment to see which natural ingredients your skin reacts to and which ones seem to clog your pores. The results usually show up pretty quickly.
Balanced skincare for adult acne:
Most of the people keep acne on the bay with strong pharmaceutical products like benzoyl peroxide or retinoid. Also acne cleansers and moisturizers have strong antibacterial ingredients. All of them are just bacteria killers. What is with nutritional ingredients what every skin needs?
A perfect balanced skin regime for adults should minimize acne, heal and regenerate the skin and additionally prevent signs of aging. The skin needs a certain amount of natural oil and bacteria for its balance. Only natural products (good quality and well-formulated) can give a perfect balance to our skin.
Here is a selection of natural products recommended by the founder of Clear & Healthy Skin:
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Cleanse: Bring your skin first to a baseline by making sure that you have a good have skin health routine. It starts with gentle cleansers that respect your skin barrier and your microbiome.
Regardless of your skin type, a cleanser should gently remove dirt, debris, and makeup. Alcohol, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide are found in the most common acne cleansers and treatments. They remove excess oil and dry out the skin. While the skin may look a little better at first, it can quickly become dehydrated and irritated, which makes acne worse.
Instead, look for natural ingredients like witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil, grapefruit essential oil, and lemon essential oil. They are all beneficial in cleaning pores, eliminating bacteria, and promoting a clear complexion.
Oil cleansing and precleansing can make a world of difference on acne-prone skin, especially if it’s inflamed or irritated. The key is to use the right oils.
It may seem counterintuitive, but using oils that mimic the skin’s natural sebum actually helps moderate sebum production.
Our Oil Cleanser literally changes the way your skin works, balancing out your oil production. Instead of treating acne, it enables you to change your skin so that it functions like someone who doesn’t have acne. We recommend that people cleanse themselves with oil once a day and use our serum twice a day. Resist the urge to overdo it.
Toning: Throw away those super-strong, irritating, skin-drying toners and replace them with soothing, lightly moisturizing options. Herbal toner is made with antibacterial honey to cleanse and soften the skin, plus natural ingredients to loosen residue and keep pores free. Apply Silver Water twice a day after cleansing with a cotton pad for a refreshing feeling that softens and supports the skin.
Moisturize: It’s important to keep your complexion hydrated. This will boost your skin’s receptiveness to a home-care regimen. Since acne products tend to have a drying effect, good hydration is vital.
Natural vegetable oils are the skin’s best friend. By incorporating facial oils that are very similar to sebum in the skin into a skincare routine, it can help regulate and normalize the skin’s sebum production. A good oil-based moisturizer is essential, this would be a product that provides deep, long-lasting moisture protection, resulting in a soothing effect on the skin and thereby reducing sebum.
Warning: Stay away from water-based moisturizers as they contain biocides that kill your skin’s natural healthy flora
Warning: Some moisturizers and blemish concealers may claim to keep pimples at bay, but it likely contains too many chemicals. Most likely it also contains silicones to make a moisturizer feel light and slippery and in makeup to cover blemishes and discoloration.
Exfoliating: This step is usually done too often or not enough, but exfoliating properly can make a world of difference in adult acne. Exfoliation is the most important thing you can do on a regular basis to be fighting acne both in terms of preventing it and treating it. We find that a gentle daily peeling keeps the pores open and unclogged. If you sometime get pimple they can not be big and inflamed like before.
Instead of using irritating scrubs, let the natural ingredients on your skin. Natural ingredients absorb excess oil without drying out the skin and remove dry, dead skin cells that clog pores. Lemon and Rosemary are used to cleanse and brightens the complexion, and Sage suppresses pimples
Makeup: Once you’ve got your new skincare routine underway, you will likely be less likely to use cover-ups. In the meantime, use makeup that doesn’t contain any skin irritation or pore-clogging ingredients. Gia Minerals Natural Concealer and Natural Mineral Foundation allow the skin to breathe while providing natural-looking coverage.
Spot treatment: spots appear from time to time even with balanced skin. Fortunately, there is a natural solution to lessen the incidence of angry blemishes in a hurry. Avarelle acne treatment patches use marigold and tea tree to soothe redness and irritation while relieving signs of inflammation. Pimples are visibly minimized overnight. Simply apply a plaster to clean, dry skin and leave it on for four to eight hours. You will be amazed at the results.
Warning: Almost all acne cosmetics contain some synthetic fragrances and preservatives. Synthetic fragrances irritate the skin and are linked to hormonal disorders. Preservatives like parabens are also linked to hormonal imbalances and are best avoided.
Protect (sunscreen):Sun protection is a must. The sun emits harmful UV rays that cause photoaging (wrinkles, hyperpigmentation) and even skin cancer. It’s been said that 80% of sun damage is accumulated before the age of 20, so children need to wear sunscreen too! Wearing a photostable, broad-spectrum sunscreen will help prevent premature aging and guard you against other dangers of the sun.
How to keep healthy and blemish free skin with natural products
My main point here is understanding the importance of every step in the skincare routine and how to combine that in a balanced acne regime. Start by replacing these traditional acne products with milder, natural options to help soothe and balance the skin. Try eliminating suspicious foods for a month to see if your condition improves or goes away. Finally, respect your body’s biological clock, sleep well, exercise regularly, and enjoy your healthy, lively feeling.
Combining the best acne treatment by yourself
After a few unsuccessful products, you will start to take acne more seriously and make a better or stronger combination of products: stronger cleanser, stronger spot treatment, add other products in your regime like moisturizer, exfoliant,s and so on.
While acne prone skin is often oily, that is not always the case, especially with adult acne. Plus, drying out any skin type with strong ingredients, including extra oily skin, leads to even more breakouts.
Adult Acne Need Balanced And Gentle Skincare
Perfect acnecare routine with right products
This ia our Clear & Healthy Skin Method proved it’s effectivnes on hundreds our clients
1. REMOVE MAKEUP **optional**
2. SCRUB **optional**
Aplly scrub and gently rubb into circular movement. It will unclog pores and dead skin layers from the top. For the superior result apply Exfoliating pads last evening and leave it overnight. In the morning scrub will remove any sweat, oily build-up, dead skin cells, and pillow grunge from the night before.
2. WASH FACE WITH A GENTLY CLEANSER Keep in mind that any cleanser you use should not be overly drying or stripping. If a cleanser makes your skin feel tight after washing, it is too harsh and you should find something gentler.
4. TONING Toner is a post-cleanse must. Japanese lotion toners help rebalance skin’s natural moisture level, making it more receptive to the hydrating ingredients in your moisturizer.
Treatments products are used to “treat” certain conditions of your skin. For example, if you get acne, then you’ll want to include a BHA or other acne treatment of some sort. If wrinkles are your main concern, you may want to include Vitamin C products or retinoids. Treatment products vary according to what “problem” you want to fix. They should also be the first thing applied to clean skin in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and skin penetration.
Using moisturizers can help boost your skin’s overall performance. Moisturizers seal in your skin’s natural moisture, while adding extra hydration so your skin can function at its best. Moisturizers also ease the discomfort of dry or taut skin and can be an additional layer of protection against everyday wear and tear.
Sun protection is a must. The sun emits harmful UV rays that cause photoaging (wrinkles, hyperpigmentation) and even skin cancer. It’s been said that 80% of sun damage is accumulated before the age of 20, so children need to wear sunscreen too! Wearing a photostable, broad-spectrum sunscreen will help prevent premature aging and guard you against other dangers of the sun.
1. REMOVE MAKEUP **optional**
A lot of people take a shower in the morning. For acne prone skin shower in the evening is much more important because it removes all grime in your hair you’ve accumulated from the day. Hair is the biggest collector of pollution and dirt from the environment. And all of it goes on your pillow and then on the face. Also, evening shower will thoroughly clean skin and provide better penetration and efficiency your evening acne products. Skin healing and repairing is higher overnight. During the day you are limited on products with translucent color, during the night you can use whatever you want.
Sun protection is a must. The sun emits harmful UV rays that cause photoaging (wrinkles, hyperpigmentation) and even skin cancer. It’s been said that 80% of sun damage is accumulated before the age of 20, so children need to wear sunscreen too! Wearing a photostable, broad-spectrum sunscreen will help prevent premature aging and guard you against other dangers of the sun.
Treatments products are used to “treat” certain conditions of your skin. For example, if you get acne, then you’ll want to include a BHA or other acne treatment of some sort. If wrinkles are your main concern, you may want to include Vitamin C products or retinoids. Treatment products vary according to what “problem” you want to fix. They should also be the first thing applied to clean skin in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and skin penetration.