Get Free Acne Online Consultation :
Get a customized treatment plan with instructions how to get rid of acne and maintain a clear healthy skin. You can take consultation in office at San Francisco or Online.
Acne Solution is a natural, effective acne clearing method which use combination of pro-grade and natural products. This method equally take care of clearing blemishes and getting healthier skin.
- Take 1-2 clear, zoomed photos of the affected area(s)
- Fill out the received form and upload 1-2 photos
Diagnosing and recommendations
I will diagnose your skin type, provide a treatment plan addressing your skin issues, concerns, and goals. You will receive follow up info with step-by-step routine instructions, tips, and suggestions.
Please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours before the schedule to avoid a fee.
What type of acne do you have?
To get the best treatment for acne, you have to know what type of acne you have: mild, moderate, or severe. This will help you customize treatment for your skin, and get your skin clearing more quickly because you won’t waste time with treatments that won’t work for your grade of acne.
Mild acne is usually defined as having occasional minor breakouts. You may get the occasional papule or pustule, but they’re not widespread or very inflamed. Mild acne can occur across all ages and in all skin types. This type of acne isn’t just limited to the face. You can get mild acne breakouts on the back, chest, neck, and shoulders too. And don’t be alarmed if you find pimples on your butt or blackheads in your ears or on the earlobe. Mild acne breakouts can happen there as well.
It’s more obvious and stubborn than mild acne, but not quite as inflamed or as serious as severe acne. Moderate acne is characterized by inflammatory (papules, pustules, nodules) and noninflammatory (comedones) lesions. Moderate acne can happen to any person at (nearly) any age. Teens with moderate acne are more likely to have both blackheads and inflammatory breakouts.
Adult women, on the other hand, often don’t have blackheads at all, but only get inflamed breakouts. These tend to pop up on the lower cheeks, chin, and jawline, especially right before their periods
Wondering if you have moderate acne? See if any of these statements describe your skin:
- Your breakouts tend to be red, inflamed papules and pustules.1
- You have a lot of obvious bumps (closed comedones) and blackheads.
- Some of your blemishes are bigger and stubborn.
- You’ve tried over-the-counter treatments; they don’t work.
- Your acne may come and go or have periods where it looks better then suddenly get worse.
- You notice dark spots and/or scars on my skin.
If three or more of these statements describe your skin, you probably have moderate acne.
How to Treat Your Moderate Acne
For moderate acne you need a treatment plan customized to your condition. You will need full skincare: proper cleansing, toning, exfoliating, spot treating.
Dietary changes: Making different food choices, such as eliminating high-carb, sugary foods can help lower the production of acne-causing androgens. It can also help minimize sebum secretion.
Moderate to severe acne, which often warrants a more aggressive treatment than moderate acne, is usually approached with a combination of pro-grade customized treatments and natural products. There are more breakouts than moderate acne and some of your blemishes feel “deep,” or are large and painful. But you still don’t have big cysts like people with severe acne.
Severe acne can happen at any age and in both men and women. Besides the face, breakouts can happen on your back, neck, chest, and shoulders.
Is Your Acne Severe?
Here are some signs that your acne falls into the severe category.
- Your blemishes are widespread and cover a significant part of your face and/or body.
- You have a lot of redness and inflammation on your skin.
- Many of your blemishes are deep, inflamed, and painful.
- You have scarring.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments don’t help.
Sometimes it’s hard to determine where your acne falls on the severity scale.
Treatment for Severe Acne
Severe acne easily leads to scarring, so it’s critical that you get treatment right away. I bet you tried a lot of different treatments with little or no improvement, like most of my new customers. Don’t waste money and time on single products especially those with a lot “magic” promises. You need a customized treatment plan which covers all aspects of skincare for your condition. Severe acne should be treated systematically, with multiple products and facials, to get it under control. Be prepared to follow your customized treatment regimen exactly and persistently.
Severe acne can cause damage to both the skin and the psyche. Acne can definitely batter your confidence. Getting a treatment can help you feel much better.
What Can You Expect?
Severe acne seems tough, but if you’re willing to put the time in, work with me, and faithfully follow your treatment plan, you can get significant improvement in about 2 months. The following of a healthy diet is necessary for seeing peak results.
Note: Avoid heavy makeup.
One of the most common reasons for unsuccessful results is not using the products long enough or as directed.
Typical experience most of my clients
It seems like a hassle to make an appointment with a specialist, I know, especially when there are so many acne treatment products just sitting on the shelf at the store. It feels like that next new product you try might be the one that gets your skin clear.
But acne, especially if you’ve had it for a long while, just doesn’t respond well if you don’t have a good treatment plan. You will spend money on cheap products and get worse acne during the time. About 95% of my clients had such experience.